Belgian Maellyse Brassart finished 30th in the qualification of the World Championships and initially did not make the all-around final. As the first reserve, she made the final when Flavia Saraiva (BRA) withdrew to protect her ankle. Brassart says she had mixed feelings about the situation:
“I learned [that I was in the AA final] yesterday in the afternoon and I was very happy that I could be in the final. But I was also sad for Flavia because I wanted her to also be in the all-around final.”
In the competition, she ended up in 15th place after scoring over a point higher than in the qualification (51.898 vs 50.699) despite a fall on beam and said being calm was the main reason:
“I didn’t expect anything, I came to do my best and I think I did so, I’m very happy. I had nothing to lose, so I gave it everything I had.”
Brassart competed in the all-around final together with her teammate Lisa Vaelen who finished 11th with 52.699.

Belgium has been able to qualify a full team to the past two Olympics. Brassart didn’t make the Olympic team back in Rio but was an integral part of it in Tokyo. Now she and Nina Derwael are joined by younger gymnasts in their bid to try and qualify to the Paris Olympics. This year, they missed the team final at Worlds by over three points after finishing in 11th place in the qualification but the team certainly has potential to both make team finals and to qualify to the Paris Olympics. Next year, they will also be helped by home crowd as the World Championships will be in Antwerp. Brassart said she believes the Belgian team can do it:
“I think we have a very strong team, we just have to improve and to train more and I think it will be good to qualify [to the Paris Olympics] in Antwerp, in our home country. It’s very exciting to compete in your home country and I hope the crowd will help. My family will certainly be there.”
Belgium QAG are known for their interesting floor choreography and Brassart unveiled a new floor routine at this competition. In the routine, she portrays a monster whose good side is trying to fight the bad side:
“I can express myself [in this floor routine] and I’m very proud to do it. I’m like a monster and I’m angry and I also have a part where I am gentle. So, I am fighting myself and there is a part where I am like this [imitates choking herself].”