Diana Varinska: Competing in a big arena inspiring

The Ukrainian star Diana Varinska helped her team qualify to the team final for the first time since 2010 but didn’t do so well for herself, failing to qualify to any individual finals. She is currently the first reserve on bars. Varinska downgraded her routine in the qualification in order to make sure she would hit as this was important for the team final, but at the end, the downgraded routine wasn’t enough to make the final. We talked to Varinska right after her subdivision and before she knew she would not make the bars final.

Q: What do you think of your bars? You planned on downgrading your routine, right?

A: Yes, I have a more difficult routine but I decided to downgrade here in order not to fall because I was a bit less confident in the more difficult routine. I hope that it would be enough for the final and if I’ll continue [to the final], I’ll try to upgrade.

Q: Do you have any routine upgrades planned for this season?

A: Not this season. But I want to do my floor cleaner because there are still lots of small execution errors and there are a lot of deductions because of that. I want to do everything cleaner.

Q: What are your impressions from the European Championships?

A: It’s great, I like competing in a big arena, it’s inspiring and it’s much more interesting this way.


Photo: Gymania, Israeli Gymnastics Magazine


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