Russian athletes proposed Katyusha as a stand-in for the anthem at competitions

Russia has received a two-year “ban” that among other things prohibits the use of the Russian flag and anthem at competitions. However, it does allow the word “Russia” to be present on the uniforms and, turns out, the country will be allowed to choose a song that will be played instead of the anthem. The song can have strong associations with the country but has to be approved by the IOC.

The Russian Athletes’ Commission chose famous Russian/Soviet war song Katyusha. The song was composed in 1939 and became extremely popular during the WWII – so popular, that rocket launchers were called “Katyusha” after it. It talks about a “simple maiden” that comes out to the riverbank to sing a song about her loved one, as soldier who is far away protecting the Motherland. The song is still probably the most well-known piece of music in Russia and more people probably know the words to it than to the anthem.

Aliya Mustafina, one of the athletes on the commission, said that Katyusha easily won the selection:

“Personally, I didn’t even consider other options – I liked Katyusha from the start. Everyone knows it, everyone will be able to sing it – the choice is obvious. There weren’t that many nominations. After Katyusha, all the members of the commission agreed. Other options? I didn’t give it much though, I was told about some other song but I don’t remember. There was no competition, that’s for sure, we decided it unanimously. Now it will be decided on a higher level. What’s the probability that it won’t be approved? 1%, I think.”

Now the proposal will be considered by the Russian Olympic Committee and, if approved by them, it will then have to be submitted to the IOC.

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1 Comment

  • If it is a ban, it should be a ban. Not some phony “ban” in name only.

    No “Russia” on the uniform and the anthem played should be the Olympic anthem.

    I don’t see Russia ending systemic doping until stricter sanctions are in place, like a complete ban of all athletes from the country. Unfortunate for the innocent ones but it might need to happen.

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