In the senior qualification, Russian team finished second after France and had falls on beam and floor. Valentina Rodionenko told TASS that the lack of experience is the cause for the falls: “Today we didn’t do well...
Author - LiubovB
Lithuania’s Agata Vostruchovaite hoped to show her new routines at the European Championships but got a knee injury on vault at her very first practice in Glasgow. In the end, she had to scratch all events except for...
The Ukrainian star Diana Varinska helped her team qualify to the team final for the first time since 2010 but didn’t do so well for herself, failing to qualify to any individual finals. She is currently the first reserve on...
Today, in Glasgow, the junior competition started at the European Championships. This year the juniors have a “three for the price of one” competition in which their scores are counted at the same towards the team...
For Jonna Adlerteg, this year’s Euros are a very important competition since she’s coming back from an injury and trying to get the feel of the field again and see how her bars stack up against the competition...
Slovenian Tjasa Kysselef is well-known among those who follow the Apparatus World Cups as she is often competing on vault at these events. Yesterday, she competed in the very first subdivision and was second on vault but...
The Ukrainian women’s team today was able to qualify to the team final at the European Championships for the first time since 2010. Eight years ago the team was completely different, but one gymnast from that team, then...

Marta Pihan-Kulesza: I didn’t plan to come back, I just wanted to see if I could still do gymnastics
Today was the first international competition for the Polish star Marta Pihan-Kulesza since she gave birth to her baby daughter. We talked to Ms. Pihan-Kulesza after the competition about her experience today, her reasons to come...
Diana Varinska gave an interview to about her preparation for Euros and Worlds. She met with the interviewer right after the verification practice in which the team did their routines in the competition mode and were...
Valentina Rodionenko talked to Team Russia website about the preparation of the senior team for the European Championships. She also talked about the team selection for Worlds and it seems that currently the five people competing...